HIV disproportionately affects men who have sex with men and transwomen in Latin America. Globally, efforts to map, enumerate, and describe male and transwomen sex workers (MTSWs) are limited. We mapped and described venue- and non-venue–based MTSWs and enumerated venuebased MTSWs in Lima, Peru’s capital. With venue-based MTSWs, we
identified and described the venues, SWs, and clients and enumerated the SWs. With non-venue–based MTSWs, we described SW offerings and SWs. Male SWs (MSWs) are concentrated downtown, with many moving online. Transwomen SWs (TSWs) are spread across metropolitan Lima, with fewer online. At venues, there are more TSWs than MSWs, TSWs reported more HIV and sexual risk behaviors, and MSWs had more female partners. Nonvenue–
based MSWs used condoms less than venue-based MSWs. Results: support systematic efforts to describe hard-to-reach MTSWs and their different types of partners, all of whom have unique, differing needs for HIV/
STI education, prevention, testing, and care services.