Introduction: HIV is still a central public health issue in Latin America, disproportionally
affecting key populations. Knowledge and access to biomedical
prevention strategies, including treatment as prevention (TASP) or undetectable
= untransmissible (U=U), pre-exposure
prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure
prophylaxis (PEP), are the first steps to increasing uptake. We used data from the
Latin American MSM Internet Survey (LAMIS) to describe knowledge and access
to biomedical HIV prevention strategies among gay, bisexual, transgender and
other men who have sex with men (MSM) living in 18 Latin American countries.
Methods: We compared LAMIS data across countries and according to age categories
using frequencies and percentages. We also used multivariable models
to explore whether age, gender identity, sexual identity, steady partnership, HIV
status and education were independently associated with outcomes.
Results: In all, 55 924 participants were included. Most were cisgender (99%)
and identified as gay/homosexual (77%) or bisexual (17%). Schooling levels were
very high, with 89% reporting highest attained education as tertiary level, university
or post-graduation.
In total, 16% had been previously diagnosed with HIV;
of those, rates of undetectable viral load varied from 60% in Venezuela to 83% in
Brazil. Overall, 54%, 54% and 52% of participants already knew about PEP, PrEP
and U=U, respectively. Participants from Brazil and those aged between 26 and
55 years, living with diagnosed HIV and having a gay/homosexual identity had
greater levels of awareness about biomedical prevention strategies.